Sound therapy helps restore harmony and balance the brain and body's biological rhythms, assists in re-aligning the endocrine system which release powerful healing hormones into the body. Every cell, organ and bone in our body has its own resonant frequency (like the instruments of an orchestra) and when any one of these are out of tune, it will affect the whole body.
Through the principle of resonance it is possible to use sound to bring the body and mind back into harmony. Using vibro acoustic equipment, we use sound and vibration as tools for healing and nurturing , enabling the realignment of natural rhythms of the mind, body and spirit.
Sound therapy provides clinically proven brain wave support for stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Relaxing the body, nurturing the mind and strengthening the spirit.
It is an invitation to discover greatness within ourselves, a transcendence from a place of the ordinary to the unknown, to experience the infinite from our minute perspective. - Victor Arteaga
Kundalini yoga is a technology of awareness. It consists of kriyas, a sequence of pranayama (breath work), asanas (body movements), mantras (sound) and meditation that unravel the kundalini energy centered at the base of the spine bringing about a sense of higher awareness.
Tapping into your subconscious mind and dive deeper into your meditations. All while nurturing the nervous system, lymphatic system and strengthening the human spirit.
Kundalini Yoga at Zula Den $33
A retreat where men come together to recognize one another and magnify the true essence of masculinity. An invitation to step into our consciousness and address what within us and our communities need work in.
A retreat for men to recognize their strength and empower others while awakening their true potential. Not to be perfect, but to be real with oneself and one another.
Join us as we connect with the five elements and one another for a camping retreat in nature. As we ground with the element of earth, breathe with the element of air, flow with the element of water and burn with the element of fire.
We offer donation based events to the community, sometimes in collaboration with other facilitators. No one is turned away for lack of funds. These collaborative events are designed to raise consciousness and uplift the spirit of our community.
Community events vary from yoga to sound baths to healing circles, etc.
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